
Andrew serves as co-leader of Catalyst Student Ministries, serving the High School students. 

Andrew and his wife Gina have been married almost 21 years (let’s celebrate them in September!) and have two daughters. 

For his 9-5, Andrew is a salesman for a company that makes industrial products. He enjoys meeting people and helping them by providing a solution to their problem. 

In ministry, Andrew has loved watching the Student Ministry leaders grow over the past two years. They all care so much about the ministry and the students. They serve faithfully every week and it makes his heart full. 

Outside of work and volunteering here at the church, Andrew loves to be active. For the last three years he and a few friends have committed to working out outside: rain or shine, hot or cold “we get after it.” Lately, these friends have also become obsessed with Pickleball, who hasn’t?