We Need Christmas – Mary
Tom Atchison   -  

Passage: Luke 1:46-55

Theme:  Mary is thunderstruck with the announcement that God chose her to bear the holy offspring.  In her exuberance and by the Spirit, she gives us a unique insight into the work of God.  She understands what God is doing and she breaks out in praise (the Magnificat) to the Almighty One, the All-Powerful One who has moved to show mercy to those who fear Him.  It is mercy that God acts on Mary’s behalf and ours.  There is such a strong display of His power that the proud are scattered and rulers are brought down.  He has given help to us in remembrance of His mercy.  In a world filled with arrogant, God-denying people that live in defiance of the true God and His ways, we need Mercy.  His mercy fills “the hungry” with good things and gives help.  Without Christmas there would not be this act of mercy and we would be trapped in a world bent on destruction.