We Are Easter People

Tom Atchison   -  

While Cathy and I were away, we worshiped with God’s people in various churches.  We rejoice in God’s work in all these different cities.  Moreover, there is no way we could have planned the sabbatical such that it overlapped with the Lenten Season which made it all the more meaningful.  We are extremely thankful for the gift that was granted to us and all the prayers that carried us through.  But . . . (and here’s a good place for an Hallelujah) we readily confess for we cannot deny, we love worshipping with our church family!  We missed you!!  The reception back last Sunday was truly humbling.  There’s no better place to be than at home with our Fox Valley brothers and sisters in Christ, especially for Holy Week.

Holy Week culminates with the Greatest Event in the History of the World!  When that two-ton stone was rolled away with the grave clothes left behind, victory was declared over sin, death and the Enemy!  In a very real way we are living in a time of “mop up operations.”  No wonder Paul could describe the trials, pain, suffering and darkness we face as “momentary and light afflictions” in light of the eternal glory we are to receive because of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  “We are an Easter people, Alleluia is our song!” (most often attributed to Saint Augustine)

It is easy to rush through this week to that Glorious Day when the Father raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 3:15).  Let’s pause and remember there was a body to be raised because there was a supreme, sacrificial, atoning death on Good Friday.  The forces of darkness conspired against the Kingdom of Light as God’s “predetermined plan and foreknowledge” (Acts 2:23) showed itself by His One and only Son being crucified.  This Death was so we could have eternal life.  Jesus’ resurrection broke the power of sin, put an end to the agony of death and defeated the Enemy.

Therefore, since we are an Easter people, it is important to acknowledge and reflect upon these two significant events in the history of the world.  Please join Cathy and me at one of our Good Friday (5:30 & 7 PM) and Easter Services (8, 9:30 and 11 AM).  Don’t come alone, but reach out to family and friends to join you.  This is no time to retreat, but rather a time to bring hope in a season of fear, anger, anxiety and despair.

We look forward to being with you to proclaim together “He is Risen!”